Is Sleep Apnea Curable By Rhinoplasty

Are you a victim of sleep apnea or facing other breathing issues, Nose Reshaping or Rhinoplasty is a permanent solution as it can surgically remove the tissues and bones which are causing breathing issues. Know some more about sleep apnea with this blog and how it is curable by Rhinoplasty.

Sleep Apnea-

Sleep Apnea is the type of sleep disorder in which people stop breathing in their sleep(Or they breathe in very shallow manner). This can happen for some seconds and last for minutes. In this situation, no breathing could happen as many as hundred times in the whole night. People often don’t notice this disorder until they notice snoring or gasping of air in sleep.

Affected People and Results

It occurs to people who move out of their sleep and goes into light sleep, resulting in interruption of the sleep cycle and causing day sleep as well. The other symptoms of sleep apnea can be GERD, morning headaches and cognitive decline in the daytime.

It is serious health issues and must be treated if persons avoid this then he can face problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and even heart failure.

Is Rhinoplasty A Solution-

Yes, Functional Rhinoplasty can be a solution. Actually, it could be the best solution. Functional Rhinoplasty is not particularly designed for cosmetic surgeons. Sleep apnea occurs due to blockage of oxygen to the brain. The possible risks include narrow airways and chronic congestion.

Functional Rhinoplasty can make sleep apnea less severe, and in some cases, the problem can be sorted out completely but only in cases where it is caused by a nasal blockage. Some people may have sleep apnea because of other reasons.

The research was published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2015. The results of the study also found that Functional Rhinoplasty was better than typical treatment methods such as the CPAP mask, as well as throat or facial surgery. This is positive news for those suffering from sleep apnea.

It's Procedure-
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure, nasal based, which is done to improve facial and functional features of the nose by removing excess tissue and bones. In the surgery, doctors can make multiple cuts under the nose.

By removing unnecessary tissues and bones surgeons can sort out the problem of nasal blockage, later the flow of oxygen to the brain process normally, and sleep apnea become less severe or gone.

If you are facing sleep apnea then you should meet a great cosmetic surgeon who can perform Functional Rhinoplasty in Indore. Marmm is a great clinic for cosmetic surgery treatments including Nose Reshaping. For any other information book your consultation.


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